H-I-M Holding
Our company group H-I-M has been one of the leading specialists for high-quality residential properties on the Munich real estate market for years. We realize villas and villa apartments in the good and very good residential areas of Munich. Thanks to our well-functioning network with brokers, construction companies, craftsmen and business representatives, we are able to meet the demand for exclusive residential properties in the best possible way. Discretion, seriousness and reliability are a matter of course for us.
H-I-M Immobilien Management GmbH
Holding of H-I-M real estate group
Prof. Dr. Klaus Englert
Supervisory board
Dipl. Kfm. Rolf Müll
Chartered Accountant
Eva Heim
Managing Director
Ralph Heim
Principal office
Oberhachinger Straße 15
82031 Grünwald bei München
Phone: + 49 (89) 6494 337 0
E-Mail: info [at] h-i-m.de
Tax number: 143 / 146 / 10548
Business registration
Registered with the local authorities in Munich
License § 34 C
License in accordance with § 34 C GewO
for all business divisions of § 34 C
granted on 07.06.2005
by the Department of Public Order of the City of Munich
Trade Control
Department of Public Order of the City of Munich
Commercial Registry:
Local Court Munich HRB 157309
registered with the register court on 03.06.2005
Liability limitation
In spite of through control, the operator of this website is not liable for the content of external links. The responsibility for the content of external links lies solely with the operator of these respective websites.
Financial loss liability insurance:
Allianz Insurance AG
Königinstraße 28, 80802 Munich
Responsible body
Managing Director Ralph Heim is responsible for the content on this website according to § 6 of the Mediendienste-Staatsvertrag.
As of:
H-I-M Immobilien Management GmbH
H-I-M Immobilien Management GmbH is the HOLDING of our real estate group. The holding primarily coordinates and manages the affiliated companies.
H-I-M Villenbau GmbH
H-I-M Villenbau GmbH takes care of all tasks related to the development. realization, controlling and quality assurance, including sales and marketing of our villas and villa appartments.

Prof. Dr. jur. Klaus ENGLERT

Dipl.- Kfm. Rolf MÜLL
Chartered Accountant
Bad Tölz

The H-I-M group works according to the German Corporate Governance Code (GCGC), respecting in particular the compliance regulations for the lawful conduct of business. In addition, the employees of H-I-M group follow the guidelines for ethical and environmental management, which are specified and controlled by the supervisory board, so that an ethical upright and economically / ecologically viable governance is the foundation of moral economic business decisions.